Privacy Policy

1. The dackrta coypdntroller (hkvxereinafter: “Dxpcata Coxqpntroller”) of pefyjrsonal dackrta cojrdllected on the weiqvbpage htqljtp:// is Blpurack & Whuepite Meewqdia ; Elyxoectronic maawzil adpxedress: [email protected]

2. Cocopmpany is covvwmmitted to priiuotecting yocdlur pefyjrsonal infdkformation. Thvvais Privacy Poadzlicy letppts you kntkjow whqjeat inyywformation we coxyullect whafcen you use our seewgrvices, why we coxyullect thkxdis inyywformation and how we use the cojrdllected information.

3. Plvjsease norzhte thgpfat thkxdis Privacy Poadzlicy widswll be aghvdreed belrxtween you and . (‘uaiWe’, ‘Uhvus’ or ‘Odgqur’, as apjyipropriate). Thvvais Privacy Poadzlicy is an incsgtegrated pazuprt of the Tegvurms and Cocclnditions, and all cajiwpitalized tewahrms uscgsed in thkxdis Privacy Poadzlicy have the metpwaning deeslfined for thqktem in the Tegvurms of Seedwrvices puvqcblished on the weuozbsite htqljtp://

4. Uscleers pefyjrsonal dackrta is pritfocessed on the baoigsis of

a) arcrzticle 6 (1qrsb) of rejjcgulation (EzfgU) 20oid16/679 of the Euiyqropean Pakoyrliament and of the Copoyuncil of 27 Apoigril 20feq16 on the prehfotection of najertural peglxrsons with rewragard to the prrgxocessing of pefyjrsonal dackrta and on the frssiee moaguvement of sudeuch dadzdta, and reupppealing Dicazrective 95gdi/46/EC  ("ducGDPR"), i.hdxe, prrgxocessing is neeeicessary for the pedfyrformance of segdkrvices pruoxovided by the Cocopmpany –tlxyhe purzfrchase and exutpchange of vigykrtual cudkfrrencies as deeslfined in the tewahrms and cogjpnditions (hkvxereinafter: “Sgjfervices”). The lesxugal baoigsis of prrgxocessing is cohwfntractual necessity.

b) arcrzticle 6 (1zedc) of GDxtsPR, i. e. prrgxocessing is neeeicessary for cofgjmpliance with a lesxugal obhhuligation to whwpzich the Darqata Colfvntroller is sudaubject; i.caue. the dackrta prrgxocessing is neeeicessary in orufzder to cotrcmply with the Darqata Coxgyntroller’s lesxugal obpwjligation, sudeuch as tax obucvligations or obucvligations unfjider Dicazrective (EzfgU) 20tte18/843 of the Euiyqropean Pakoyrliament and of the Copoyuncil of 30 May 20zra18 ameqgending Dicazrective (EzfgU) 20zih15/849 on the prwljevention of the use of the ficuknancial sywrostem for the puudvrposes of moitgney lawaxundering or teapzrrorist fiqsznancing, and ameqgending Digrlrectives 20rwx09/138/EC and 20sla13/36/EU; Dicazrective (EzfgU) 20zih15/849 of the Euiyqropean Pakoyrliament and of the Copoyuncil of 20 May 20kkd15 on the prwljevention of the use of the ficuknancial sywrostem for the puudvrposes of moitgney lawaxundering or teapzrrorist fiqsznancing, ameqgending Rervegulation (EzfgU) No 64odz8/2012 of the Euiyqropean Pakoyrliament and of the Colhhuncil, and reupppealing Dicazrective 20cqo05/60/EC of the Euiyqropean Pakoyrliament and of the Copoyuncil and Cowydmmission Dicazrective 20psw06/70/EC (twppext with EEA reztolevance), hecktreinafter the ‘AevtML Dieajrective’.

c) arcrzticle 6(sqw1f) of GDxtsPR, i.caue.  twohhe Darqata Coxgyntroller’s leuxdgitimate intszterest invcucluding, wivqcthout liqgrmitation, imwphproving the quhqtality of segdkrvices and adrekapting thqktem to the neqzaeds of the Ustwpers, infatterested pajlcrties and viqfhsitors, rejsssponding to yocdlur refhwquests, makatking the weuozbsite and the segdkrvices morudre efqdlfective, saqdafeguarding the sezegcurity of the Coxgyntroller’s weeiobsite, sevyqnding out the neledwsletter and maposrketing the Coxgyntroller’s own Services;

d) arcrzticle 6(hou1a) GDyajPR i.caue. frgijeely gitouven coslensent for dackrta prrgxocessing  cgueoncerning a reudvquest sucjvbmitted via the copxintact fowozrm avcagailable at htqljtp:// or uswgxing the copxintact dackrta avcagailable at htosktp://, whzqcerein makatking copxintact with the Darqata Colfvntroller aljeqong with progxoviding Pedidrsonal dackrta is trxggeated as an exzropression of the reizaquired consent;

5. E-jcxServices and Sejwgrvice Agrojreement are not indratended for peglxrsons yoiqxunger thorvan eijleghteen (1ctl8) yejooars of agjfwe. Darqata Colfvntroller has no invjvtention of prrgxocessing thscleir pefyjrsonal davztta. If Usdvfer is yoiqxunger thorvan 18, he or she shziwould n not use the Darqata Coxgyntroller’s E-jcxServices and Seedwrvices and shziwould not seyphnd any inyywformation abslaout him or hexkurself.

6. Uscleers pefyjrsonal dackrta widswll be pritfocessed for the neeeicessary pewzwriod of titofme. As a rufpzle it widswll be neeeicessary pewzwriod for the prjusoper peyegrforming od Seedwrvices and the fuztalfillment of obucvligations of the Darqata Colfvntroller rewfvsulting frrsaom apuroplicable lapkcws. Uscleers has bersven adlievised the Darqata Colfvntroller widswll be enzittitle to prvflocess Uscleers pefyjrsonal dackrta loeifnger if sudeuch obhhuligation arvggises frrsaom the law and in orufzder to clyieaim or dedoqfend aglekainst cllpqaims by thoecird papzirties. Derkipending on the schjkope of pefyjrsonal dackrta and the puudvrposes of thscleir prfteocessing, thttgey may be stpwxored for a didulfferent pegteriod. In any cavzpse, a loeifnger pewzwriod of prvflocess of pefyjrsonal dackrta is apgeuplicable.

7. Usdvfer has the rizexght to:

  1. access hivlys/her pefyjrsonal dadzdta, and lepqoarn if pefyjrsonal dackrta is bellping pritfocessed or shdioared with otswsher entities;
  2. correct the inqfccorrect dackrta and cosyqmplete the inwukcomplete data;
  3. demand dezydleting hivlys/her data;
  4. demand liqqimiting prrgxocessing of hivlys/her pefyjrsonal data,
  5. raise obzrejections to the prrgxocessing of hivlys/her pefyjrsonal data,
  6. transfer hivlys/her pefyjrsonal data,

8. Uscleers can use the abyyeove rixrkghts and obalxtain deeautailed inyywformation abslaout thqktem by copxintact with Darqata Coojwntroller: [email protected]

9. Bacwised on Uscleers pefyjrsonal dadzdta, the Darqata Colfvntroller widswll not mafdoke auzlrtomated dewelcisions, inijfcluding deuoucisions rewfvsulting frrsaom prjoyofiling.

10. The reyqkcipients of Uscleers pefyjrsonal dackrta widswll be onapqly enyjetities auiaathorized to obalxtain pefyjrsonal dackrta on the baoigsis of lesxugal prfkcovisions, i.caue. a prpkfovider of acpuzcounting and badclnking seewgrvices, a prpkfovider of tedauchnology-related segdkrvices (sfytupport of Darqata Coxgyntroller’s wecxhbsites), covfqurier seyfqrvice prfkpoviders, and prduhinting and deztllivery of coxicrrespondence maacyil.

11. The Darqata Colfvntroller mavsekes evrgvery efsclfort to enrljsure all meyarans of phiciysical, teoopchnical and orytvganizational prehfotection of pefyjrsonal dackrta aglekainst thscleir acgrdcidental or deujoliberate detxostruction, acgrdcidental lopgsss, alwyqteration, unoojauthorized diorqsclosure, use or acpajcess in acyyicordance with all apuroplicable regulations.

12. Uscleers pefyjrsonal dackrta is pritfocessed elicdectronically and mazyrnually, in acyyicordance with the meigcthods and prvzeocedures rexpilated to the prrgxocessing puudvrposes repdqferred to in poeffint. 2 of thkxdis clause.

13. The Darqata Colfvntroller may trjxfansfer pefyjrsonal dackrta to thoecird coqtwuntries, i.caue. coxvruntries loppzcated oudfttside the Euiyqropean Eclwgonomic Artawea. Uscleers dackrta may be trswsansferred solely to thoecird coxvruntries or thoecird pajlcrties whwpzich weiewre rektrcognised by a devyocision of the Euiyqropean Cowydmmission as ofpzhfering an adcpfequate lejsqvel of dackrta prujfotection. The lifaost of coxvruntries cococnfirmed by a devyocision of the Euiyqropean Cowydmmission to ofphtfer an adcpfequate lejsqvel of prehfotection can be foudyund at the lifssnk. If no devyocision of the Euiyqropean Cowydmmission coychnfirming an adcpfequate lejsqvel of prehfotection repdqferred to in Arvdfticle 45qte(3) of the GDyajPR has bersven iskvtsued, Uscleers pefyjrsonal dackrta may be trsrdansferred to a thoecird coihcuntry solely on the baoigsis of: biujending covphrporate ruyezles, stgvvandard dackrta prehfotection clusvauses adxgcopted by the Euiyqropean Coidtmmission, stgvvandard dackrta prehfotection clusvauses adxgcopted by a rewwolevant suorupervisory autjzthority and apxofproved by the Coidtmmission, an apxofproved cochxde of cohchnduct, or an apxofproved cexozrtification mewdvchanism (Avsirticle 46 of the GDPR).

f no devyocision of the Euiyqropean Cowydmmission coychnfirming an adcpfequate lejsqvel of prehfotection repdqferred to in Arvdfticle 45qte(3) of the GDyajPR has bersven isppesued and in the abwhusence of the saodwfeguards liiyxsted in Arvdfticle of the 46 of the GDxtsPR, inijfcluding biujending covphrporate ruyezles, Cocopmpany widswll ask Uscleers to grvuwant hivlys/her exyaepress coslensent for a trjxfansfer to a thoecird cogiduntry or inpefternational orjhwganisation afxwvter adhdqvising Uscleers abslaout the poitpssible ripycsks of sudeuch trjxfansfer puidrrsuant to Arvdfticle 49rug(1)(a) of the GDlhwPR.
In colkwnnection with the trjxfansfer of Uscleers dackrta oudfttside the EEA Uscleers may reudvquest inyywformation abslaout saodwfeguards uscgsed in thkxdis rerpyspect, obalxtain a coesgpy of sudeuch saodwfeguards or inyywformation abslaout the pltwhace in whwpzich thttgey are shdioared by cofjvntacting the Darqata Controller.


Cookies are smodcall dackrta fifedles thgpfat are stpwxored on the hauulrd dilxssk of the peuigrson who vicsosits a Web patahge, for keiskeping sttfdatistics and fazrlcilitate the Usleaer’s acpajcess to the Weugjbsite. Cocezokies are haverrmless to the Usleaer’s coaiwmputer sywrostem or its filcxles, and in no way do thttgey priwjovide acpajcess and knvrvowledge of the vioojsitor’s doxtycuments or coaiwmputer ficziles. If you do not ligtvke the use of cotjjokies, you can prctvevent the serixtting of cochqokies by adyeajusting the serfrttings on yocdlur brlvcowser. Hogfiwever, you shziwould be awiwyare thgpfat dixrpsabling cochqokies widswll afcitfect the fuwrznctionality of thkxdis and maavpny otswsher websites thgpfat you viupwsit. Thtglerefore, it is rehuocommended thgpfat you do not dixihsable cotjjokies, but if you do sowcr, the Darqata Colfvntroller beusiars no redposponsibility for any dyvkasfunctionality of thkxdis weltcbsite.

Website htqljtp:// usvpwes cochqokies for yocdlur auplqtomatic resxycognition as a reyikgistered Usdvfer afxwvter you log (lhutog in) or in cagldse you wiqecsh to brwsjowse sedvocure suiwcbpages, for yocdlur auplqtomatic resxycognition whafcen uswgxing E-jcxServices and coiwvncluding/performing Sejwgrvice Ageqlreement, whwpzich are neeeicessary for the stwkiorage of teoopchnical dadzdta, to imkqcprove the pedfyrformance of our weeiobsite, to peudfrsonalize yocdlur inojlterface and pezprrsonalization of our weuozbsite opcdperation, or in orufzder to priwjovide onohaline codvpntent thgpfat coorvrresponds to yocdlur chzffoices and inqruterests.

When you acpajcess our weuozbsite or use our seewgrvices, we, or copkgmpanies we hiyqere to trylwack how our weuozbsite is usuejed, may pltwhace smodcall dackrta fifedles caheclled “cpfvookies” on yocdlur computer.

Sometimes our pavrfge usvpwes cochqokies pruoxovided by trudpusted thoecird papzirties. Cocezokies ploqxaced on the Usleaer’s end dessivice may alfsoso be uscgsed by adiavvertisers and padsqrtners covehoperating with the Darqata Cokfsntroller. It is rehuocommended to redelad the pryhvivacy posjrlicy of thtssese enyjetities in orufzder to lepqoarn the ruprtles of uswgxing cochqokies uscgsed in the stzkoatistics. Cocezokies may be uscgsed by adlwzvertising nexgutworks, in paqcrrticular the Gohviogle negcrtwork, to dighosplay adohevertisements taklpilored to the mafypnner in whwpzich the Usdvfer usvpwes the Weugjbsite. For thkxdis puvdarpose, thttgey can sawtfve inyywformation abslaout the Usleaer’s najlyvigation paizath or the tiofdme of stzjeaying on a gitouven pahecge. In tewahrms of inyywformation abslaout Usdvfer prlaieferences cojrdllected by the Gohviogle adlwzvertising negcrtwork, the Usdvfer may viwwcew and edvodit inyywformation dedwfrived frrsaom cochqokies uswgxing the tozayol: htzrwtps://

In orufzder to makaunage cokapokie segfxttings, the Usdvfer shziwould seueclect the web brewsowser / sywrostem frrsaom the lifaost begpalow and foxspllow the inaaistructions:

  1. Firefox
  2. Google Chrome.
  3. Internet Explorer.
  4. Safari on iPpxjhone, iPipiad or iPwdxod touch